Tuesday, January 24, 2012

18 Weeks and Counting...

The bump is starting to grow!!! I had some students tell me in a very cute/sweet way, "Mrs. Valencia, I think your belly is growing." I told him I think you are right! My students love to talk to the babies and touch my belly. I think it is very sweet. I am enjoying all the extra love and support not only from my students but from everyone. My family, my friends, my small group and my church family have been beyond wonderful to me.
My sweet tooth has officially started to come back. I still do not love chocolate but I am a pretty big fan of rice crispy treats. I was thrilled to find that the Rice Crispy brand makes gluten free...wahoo!!! I seriously had a party in the cereal isle. Last weekend my favorite treat was "zebra" kettle corn, a special gift from a very special friend. OMG, it was SO delicious!!! I loved it so much I ate the entire bag.
Besides being exhausted ALL the time I am really enjoying my 2nd trimester. I am starting to think of all the things James and I need to do and need to buy before the babies come. I think it will be easier to do all of that once we find out the genders of the babies. Speaking of genders, I have my 20 week appointment coming up very soon. The big blog reveal of the babies genders will be on Sunday, February 19th. However, if you want to know sooner you can attend one of the church services at Rancho that weekend. James and I will be sharing our big news on Saturday, February 18th at 5pm and on Sunday, February 19th at 9am and 11am.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Almost 4 Months!!

Today I am officially 15 weeks 5 days. I can't believe that I am almost half way to the end. I saw my wonderful doctor and he said both babies look great! I LOVE to hear those words, they never ever get old. The doctor has given us a 95% guess on both babies genders but James and I decided to hold off telling everyone for a few more weeks. We just want to be more sure. I promise that as soon as we find out I will post the news everywhere!!!
I keep forgetting to bring a blank CD to my appointments so this is the best I could do for an ultrasound picture. This is picture of baby B (baby A looks just the same I promise). Both babies are super active already. I think they get that from their daddy!
I see the "baby bump" growing even though most people say it is very hard to tell. I will be grateful for that because I know when my belly gets HUGE I will long for these days.
My latest cravings are fruits and veggies, especially berries, Cuties and my frozen veggie medley. I seriously can't get enough! The thing that has surprised me the most is I do not LOVE Mexican food as much as I did before the babies. I also have totally lost my sweet tooth. I try and try to eat sweets and they never end up agreeing with me. I guess that is a good thing, right? It leaves room for more good, nutritious food for the babies.
I'll try to post a better baby bump picture soon!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Good Bye 2011, Hello 2012

(Baby Bump Update- Week 14)
2011 was truly an amazing year for James and I. We had the honor and privilege to be a part of one of Saddleback Church's new regional campuses located at Rancho Capistrano in San Juan Capistrano. During our first year at the church we had many super fun events, such as a shoe drive for kids in need in the local community, the Easter Crosses lighting, our first night of worship, movie nights, and Trunk-or-Treat (this event was one of my favorites because I LOVE dressing up. I can hardly wait for our costumes next year when the babies are here) just to name a few.
I personally have continued to be blessed with a wonderful teaching job at Beswick Elementary School in the Tustin Unified School District. I have an awesome team this year and could not do it without their constant support.
Then some of the best news of all in 2011 was finding out that James and I would be parents to TWINS!!! We feel so honored and blessed to become parents and can't wait to meet our precious miracles in June.
2011 was a great year for both James and I. I can hardly wait to see what 2012 has in store for us. I know our lives will never ever be the same and I am thrilled for that!