On Sunday night James and I decided to take an impromptu visit to Disneyland. We have been wanting to take the babies for a long time now but felt it was just too hot and they we were also waiting for them to get a little bit bigger. Well since the weather cooled down a bit and the babies are bigger we thought, why not go tonight! We packed the car with all of our baby gear, including our new Ergo baby carriers, and hit the road. James and I could not wait to get to Disneyland to see all of the Halloween decorations and enjoy an evening of fun together.
As soon as we parked the car and got out I made James take a picture of Phoebe and I near the Mickey parking sign. Not only was this the girls first time at Disneyland but it was their first time riding in the baby carrier too.
Even the tram ride to the park was exciting. Both girls were wide eyed, taking in all their surroundings. I loved imagining what was going through their little heads as we traveled towards the Happiest Place on Earth.
Once inside the park James and I were on a mission to find Phoebe and Piper their very first pair of Minnie ears. I was thrilled when I found these adorable pink ears. I have a feeling we will get good use out of these this winter. We also decided it would be a fun tradition to get the girls a new pair of ears each year at this time.
The night air was perfect, not too hot and not too cold. James was thrilled that he did not even need to wear the jacket he brought. After walking around Main Street for a bit we headed over to the Haunted Mansion (all done up in A Night Before Christmas for the holidays), Piper and Phoebe's very first ride at Disneyland. The wait was shorter then we thought and before we knew it we were jumping aboard our "Doom Buggy".
After the Haunted Mansion we headed over to the Pooh Bear ride. I knew this ride would not have a wait at all and I was right. We hopped right on and Phoebe even woke up a little bit during the ride to look around at all the bright colors.
Our trip ended with mommy and daddy buying themselves some yummy treats and then we were back on the tram and headed home. Even though our trip was brief it was SO much fun! I can hardly wait to tell Piper and Phoebe all about their very first trip to Disneyland and show them pictures when they are older.
Piper checking things out with Daddy |