Saturday, December 29, 2012

Phoebe and Piper's 1st Christmas

This year our growing family kicked off Christmas by spending Christmas Eve at one of our favorite places...Saddleback Rancho Capistrano!  It was a LONG day for both Piper and Phoebe but I have to say they were such troopers.  Thank goodness for our amazing church family who stepped up in a major way to help me take care of both girls while daddy was working very, very hard.

Christmas morning this year was very mellow.  James and I fed the babies as usual and then they took their morning nap while I made us breakfast.  We both laughed as we ate together thinking that this is the last year we will have a peaceful Christmas morning breakfast!

I just had to make James and Mickey pancake...his favorite!
After morning nap time was done James and I got the girls up and it was time to open presents.  It was so funny to watch the girls try to rip the paper off of the packages.  Once we helped them all they wanted to do was play with the wrapping paper and not the toys.  Both girls LOVED the green crinkly paper that their Nonie used in some of the gifts to them.  They would not stop fighting over it.

That afternoon James and I packed up the car (it is amazing how many things two babies need) and headed over to my parents house to celebrate Christmas with my mom, dad, two sisters and two brother in laws.  We had a great time as always!  The food was amazing and Piper and Phoebe got spoiled beyond belief.  I don't know who had more fun opening up and playing with the toys, James and I or the girls?!?

We also got some great news from my sister Natalie and her husband Mike (who currently live in Maryland and were visiting with their dog Tank for Christmas). Mike got a job out here in California so they will be moving back home very, very soon!  We were all thrilled and can't wait to have them home.  I think James is especially excited to have his new best buddy Tank close by!

This Christmas was filled with so many wonderful firsts and blessings.  I can hardly wait to see what next year has in store for all of us!

Cousin Time

This Christmas was a very special one in my family because we have four new additions...Jayden, Cash, Piper and Phoebe.  My Auntie Margie was awesome enough to host us all for lunch at her house.   It was always a tradition in my family to get dressed up on Christmas Eve and take a TON of pictures.  Although a lot has changed over the years the picture taking part of my mom and her sisters has remained the same.  My mom and aunts had the brilliant idea to take all the cousins pictures.  Here's a few.... (I don't think the babies were too happy about it all).

Phoebe, Cash, Jayden and Piper are all tired of the grammies taking pictures!

After picture time the cousins did get some play time in which I think they enjoyed a lot more!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Family Photo Shoot

For Christmas this year my sisters and I decided to get my parents a photo session with a professional photographer.  The last time we took family photos was years and years ago.  I think I was even sporting my 80's teased out bangs in the pictures...not a good look for me! :-)  With this idea in mind Hillarie set up a session with a super great photographer Lauren Scotti (check out her stuff, its awesome  My mom and dad chose San Juan Capistrano for our back drop.

The morning of the shoot I was up at the crack of dawn so I could get myself ready before it was time to get Piper and Phoebe ready.  I was very grateful that the sun was out that morning but amazed at how cold it was.  My car showed that it was a chilly 45 degree's outside..BRRRRRRRRR!  Despite the cold we had a great time.

Lauren has posted two pictures from our day so far and I can hardly wait to see the rest!  I think I know who will be taking the babies 1 year old pictures for us in May...WAHOO!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy 7 Months!

With so many firsts yesterday (first trip to Dana Point Harbor, first picture with Santa) I almost forgot to take Piper and Phoebe's 7 month old picture.  James and I can hardly believe our little miracles are already 7 months old.  They bring so much happiness and joy to our lives.  Since it is Christmas time I can't help but think that they are the greatest gifts we have ever received.  Thank you God for our babies!

Piper was ready to smile however, Phoebe wanted to play/eat her sticker instead of smiling for the picture! 

Both girls are growing so fast!  Phoebe is in love with solid foods.  Each new food she tries she gobbles up no problem.  Piper on the other hand takes a little longer and requires some convincing that the food I am giving her in fact is yummy. ;-)

Piper and Phoebe both love to play and play and play.  They are rolling all over the place and I think are getting pretty close to start the crawling phase.  I am excited to see this happened but scared at the same time because that means baby gates everywhere and a TON of baby proofing.  Not sure if James and I are ready for this yet.  I don't think we have a say in it all so we better get ready no matter what!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Fun-Day!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday Fun-Day!

Today I decided that I am going to start something new on my blog that I am going to call....Monday Fun-Day!  This idea came from my friend Holly's blog (she does wordless Wednesday's).  Since Monday's are our family days I'm going to post pictures of our family adventures with no writing.  I am very excited and am hopeful I will not miss a Monday. :-)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Rice Cereal, Oatmeal & Peas

I have honestly been so excited since the doctor told me I could give Piper and Phoebe rice cereal.  I have googled it, looked at a TON of websites and finally settled on a recipe that I thought was best.  After searching several different grocery stores to find short grained organic brown rice I was finally ready to go.  I followed the directions of the recipe very closely (even though it is the easiest thing on earth to make) as I wanted to get it just right for my sweet girls.  I mixed the cereal with some formal, a familiar taste for them, and got set to go.

Both girls were less than thrilled about their rice cereal experience.  Piper was more interested in smiling at her daddy and I thought Phoebe was going to gag up the cereal several times.  Don't worry, I am not going to give up.  We will keep trying a little bit every day.  I will not give up! :-)

I have been trying to post the videos of the girls trying the rice cereal and it will not upload because the videos are too long. :-(

So I tried the rice cereal for several days and each time Piper and Phoebe did not like it.  Tonight (per recommendation from a couple mommy friends) I decided to try organic oatmeal instead.  I am happy to say that Phoebe really liked the oatmeal and Piper thought it was just ok.

Since rice cereal and oatmeal were not a huge hit for Piper I decided that I needed to try some veggies.  I am really trying hard to find something that my sweet little Piper will like.  When we were little and having dinner at Auntie Margie's house she always told us, "Eat your peas!"  That is one of my sister Hillarie's fondest memories of hanging out at Auntie Margie's.  I think it is funny!

I bought some organic frozen peas and busted out my super cool Baby Breeza!  I LOVED using the Breeza.  It was super easy.  Above are some short videos of the girls trying peas for the first time.  Just like with the other foods, Phoebe liked the peas and Piper did not.  I am not going to give up with Piper, I am determined to find food she will like!