Monday, January 28, 2013


Poor little Phoebe started the teething process a long, long time ago with no results except for constant drooling.  Our sweet little angel has to wear a bib 24 hours a day to keep the front of her clothes dry.  I am SO excited to report that we finally got to see progress...TEETH (this is the first picture of the teeth, we got thanks to Hillarie's roomate Jodie)!!!  Wahoo!  

Then the other day Piper was chewing on my finger when I realized that she is getting her first tooth too (hopefully I will be able to get a picture of her tooth soon).  I would have never thought she was teething too because she does not drool like her sister.  

This is one of the joys of twins... experiencing the same thing in two totally different ways!!  I love it and thank God for the challenge each and every day.

Monday Fun-Day!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Fun-Day!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Yucky Colds!

This week Phoebe started to come down with a cold...poor baby.  It all started on Tuesday night with a runny nose that just got worse and worse.  Then like any good sister Phoebe decided to share her cold with Piper.  Now both babies are sick and not too happy about it either.  On Thursday night Piper could barely sleep and was waking up every hour crying because she was having such a hard time breathing. James, bless his heart, woke up with her every hour to suction the yucky snot out of her nose since I had to go to work very, very early the next morning.

So the next night while eating dinner, James had the great idea to get a humidifier to place in the babies room at night.  I googled humidifiers/vaporizers right away and from the research I found I was sold.  Right after dinner we headed straight for Target to make our purchase.  With so many choices James and I stood their in the isle for about 20 minutes until we settled on a humidifier that we thought was best.  When we got it home, we tried it out and thought, well here goes nothing!  I am thrilled to report that it worked SUPER!!!  Both babies slept soundly through the entire night.  I am now a true believer in humidifiers and will use it anytime Piper and Phoebe get sick.

8 Months Old

Our sweet angels turned 8 months old this month!!  I can hardly believe how fast the time is flying by.  I feel like Piper and Phoebe are changing SO much every single day.  They both LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to play. Each day James and I spread out several blankets, 2 play gyms and all of the super cool toys that the girls got for Christmas (a special thank you to Grammie, Grampie and Uncle Vic for the super cool toys).  Both girls spend hours playing alone and sometimes together.  It is funny how we can have so many toys out but when they are near one another they always want the same toy and will pull and tug for it until one baby ultimately wins out.  Learning to share will be a must in our house.

Another milestone for the month is sitting up...wahoo!!  This is a newly acquired skill that both girls are still practicing every day.  In addition to sitting up they are both doing a lot of "army" crawling.  It is so exciting to watch them get up on all fours and try to lunge their bodies forward.  James and I are going to need baby gates ASAP, any good recommendations??  Phoebe and Piper are also eating a variety of home made baby food.  I am trying to give them a grain, a fruit, a vegetable and some sort of meat each day.  I think their favorite so far is butternut squash.  Girls after my own heart!

Both girls have a cold so they fell asleep eating dinner tonight...poor babies!
Phoebe has teeth poking through!  This has been a LONG time coming for Phoebe.  She has been drooling and drooling and drooling for several months now.  It has gotten so bad that she needs to wear a bib all of the time or else she drenches her clothes.  To ease the discomfort of teething I went ahead and bought both girls amber teething necklaces from Lithuania (so many people I know recommended them so I thought, why not, it can't hurt).  I think it has helped, but who knows.  I have not seen any teeth yet for Piper but I am sure it won't be too much longer for her.

Sleep...I am SO happy to report that both girls average about 10.5 to 11 hours of sleep each night.  It is a dream come true to have both girls sleeping so well.  In addition to sleeping through the night both girls take a pretty good morning nap and then have a few more little naps during the day.  The extra sleep this allows me to get at night is amazing!

I can already tell that Piper and Phoebe are going to be technology girls.  They go absolutely crazy for my iphone and ipad.  I downloaded a few apps on both for them that they love using.  Right now their favorite is a peek-a-boo app.

Starting in November James and I decided to start a new family tradition, a weekly trip to the Happiest Place on Earth.  Every Sunday after church we pack up the girls and head out to one of our favorite places on earth (lately we have been going on Monday's since it has been SO cold at night).  James and I each throw on warm clothes, comfy shoes and an Ergo baby carrier and we are set for a wonderful night of walking around, looking at shops and riding few rides too.  Most of the time both babies sleep the entire visit but when they are awake their eyes grow HUGE and they can't get enough of the sights, sounds and smells that can only be experienced at Disneyland. It is our hope to continue these trips for a long, long time.

Both girls have such wonderful personalities.  They love to laugh, smile and watch mommy and daddy act silly.  I think I have said this before but I honestly don't know how I ever lived with out these girls.  They are the light of my life (I am sure James would say the same).  Even when I am exhausted beyond belief I thank God for these miracles and trust that He does not give us more than we can handle.  I thank God everyday for our girls and all the people who love and support James and I on a daily basis. And to James, you are the best partner a girl could ask for.  You go above and beyond every single day.  I love you sweetheart and would not want to be doing life with anyone but you!

Happy 8 months to my sweet Piper Rose and Phoebe June.  Mommy and daddy love you to the moon and back!!  

P.S. I am already starting to plan out your 1st birthday party in my head.  I'm thinking a Minnie Mouse party would be perfect, I hope you girls agree.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Fun-Day!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Fun-Day!

Friday, January 4, 2013


Piper has a new favorite word to say....da-da!!!  I love to hear her babble it over and over.  James even caught it on his phone.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Monday Fun-Day!

Happy New Year!

All the girls- Piper, Haley, Katie and Phoebe!


All the kids- Boy have our lives changed since last year!