After waiting 12 LONG weeks James and I are SO thrilled and excited to finally announce our big news...we are having TWINS!! Double the blessings have come our way this year. We are due June 28th and can hardly wait to meet our precious angels. Since we are having twins I get to have ultra sounds more often. I tried to post ultra sound pictures but they were too dark. I'll try to add some soon! Every time we go the doctor checks to see if he can find the sex of the babies...no luck yet. I am looking forward to announcing that news soon.
Hi blogger! I can't wait to follow your posts! I am so excited for you and James.
Welcome to the Blogging World!! Can't wait to follow along :) xoxo
Wooo-hoooo! I hope you post more than me, because I cannot wait to read ALLLLLLLLLL about those twin-sies! And better yet, I get to go shopping for twice the baby stuff. hehe. Love ya dog!
Congratulations Melanie! Can't wait to see what this journey has in store for you and your hubby.
Melanie ~~ you don't know me from Adam! But I love you and Pastor James and am especially excited about your precious news about your Twins. Hallelujah! My birthday is June 28th.....how about that? Now you know why I'm extra excited! Love you guys and thanks for keeping us updated on all the happenings. :o)
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