Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bows, Parenting and Mommy's Blonde Moment

Bows, parenting and mommy's blonde moment don't seem like things that would go together but for the sake of this post they will.

First starting off with bows...

So... this past week James thought it would be fun to open up the bow debate to our Rancho Capistrano Church family via his mid week message. He insists that the bows are awful and I should not "make" Piper and Phoebe wear them.  I on the other hand think they are not only precious but serve a purpose too.  Since Piper and Phoebe do not have much hair a lot of people automatically assume they are boys.  By wearing a headband there is no way anyone could think my adorable girls are boys.  Also, being a bald baby myself I know what it is like to be mistaken for a boy time and time again and it is not fun! :-)  At this point James has received hundreds of responses to his email and will be revealing tonight at church who won this debate, me or him.  I have heard its a close race and I myself do not know the results.  I can hardly wait to see who won.  I am pretty confident in my side and would love to gloat over a hair bow victory soon.

 Next onto parenting...

This week I had to go back to work to do Kindergarten assessing (All day Thursday and Friday).  It was SO hard to be away from Piper and Phoebe all day.  Not to mention getting NO sleep and then working with precious little Kindergartens all day.  The thing that made it easier was that they were left in good hands.  On Thursday our dear friend Anne (from our small group) and my high school friend Erin tag teamed the day with the girls.  Then on Friday Phoebe and Piper were super lucky to have a daddy day...wahoo!!!  We are all so blessed to have such an amazing man in our lives.

Friday night is date night in the Valencia house so despite the fact that I was beyond exhausted James and I fed the babies and then hit the road to get some yummy food at one of our favorite spots...PF Changs.  I made reservations so that we could get in right away, eat, walk the mall a bit and then head home to do the next baby feeding.  As we were sitting waiting for our drinks to come (poor James was SO dehydrated from a day filled with salty food that I thought he might keel over) James and I were sitting in dead silence, both starring at one another, too tired to even talk.  All of the sudden my gaze shifted from James eyes to his forearm.  There on his arm was this weird gray stuff.  I right away asked him what was on his arm.  He looked at me with a huge smile and said it was desitin.  I immediately started laughing so hard.  You know you parenting is a hard, busy job when you don't even realize that you have dried desitin stuck to your body!

Mommy's blonde moment exposed...

Exhaustion is my new middle name and I am sure James would say the same thing for him as well.  With that exhaustion comes the greatest blonde moments of my life.  I am constantly saying and doing crazy things as well as forgetting important things like getting soap at Target or putting bills in the mail. All of these moments seem minor compared to my BIG blonde moment I had on Thursday.  So just like our PF Changs experience this moment happened after a LONG day of Kindergarten testing, this time it was Thursday.  So Thursday afternoon rolls around and I was done with Kindergarten assessing for the day.  I was in desperate need of caffeine stat.  I ran into Sprouts to pick up something with every intention of getting caffeine and I of course left the store forgetting it.  I then drove to a Chick-Fil-A with the intention of getting my favorite Diet Dr. Pepper and they were closed due to a power outage.  By this time I was running late to Piper and Phoebe's appointment with the dermatologist (which went well by the way.  She was just checking the red spots the girls have on their bodies) but I NEEDED the caffeine.  Lucky for me the gas station close by had exactly what I needed.  So with my caffeine in hand I finally made it to the doctor's office.  Like I said above the appointment went great and we are just going to watch the red spots to see how they are growing and changing.

So here is the blonde moment...after the appointment I decided to take the babies home to give James a little daddy alone time break.  We hopped on the 405 freeway only to be met by my worst nemesis, 5 o'clock traffic!  I knew I was going to be in for it.  It was quickly approaching 6pm and that is the babies next feeding time.  Filled with fear of the impending screaming I thought I would get from Piper and Phoebe I drove on.  After about 15 minutes sitting in traffic I had a revelation...I thought to myself on my goodness I have two babies in the car, do babies count as "people" for the carpool lane?  In hind sight I can not believe I actually questioned this.  Duh, Melanie, of course babies are people and count but at the time I was SO tired and not thinking straight.  I tried to call James to ask him, he did not answer, and then I called my sister Natalie.  She laughed so hard and told me she needed to put this on Facebook. Natalie and I both laughed SO hard together as I merged into the carpool lane with great joy, happiness and relief.  I am happy to say that I got home just in time to feed Piper and Phoebe with few tears and I had a funny story out of the whole event too.

Sorry for the length of this post but I still have not recovered from my sleepless working days and I could not stop rambling on and on and on. ;-)

The End!

1 comment:

Rebecca Titone said...

Babies are so exhausting! But you never mind the sacrifice when you look at their sweet faces.
Glad you have a date night. And I was laughing so hard about wondering if the babies were people! Sometimes you just get confused when you're tired!
And The End Picture is awesome.

And I vote for BOWS!